Payday Loans

In the last few years fast loans that are also known as payday loans have become a very quick and convenient way to borrow money for many different needs. These loans give consumers the option to borrow money online and that means you can get your money in your bank account from anywhere in the world and you don’t have to go and wait in a line at the bank or in a private lenders office. Reade more…

Interest free loans

By now all of us have heard the term interest free loans that is like a magnet that pulls in new customers because who does not want to get a loan that has zero precent interest? In this article we will determine what exactly are these elusive interest free loans and how effective they really are and find out if there are no hidden fees. The short answer is that in general these loans really are without any interest and you will have to repay exactly the same amount of money that you borrowed without any additional expenses. For example if you borrow 200 Lari for 30 days then you will have to repay exactly 200 Lari. These interest free loans are very common and most of the lenders in this non-banking credit market offer services where their new customers get the first loan without any additional costs. Reade more…

Unsecured loans

The times when you needed to secure all your debt have long passed and nowadays banks as well as private lenders give out unsecured loans that do not need collateral and that is more convenient to customers as well as the creditors themselves. In the old days every time you wanted to borrow money you needed to supply a pledge for a car or house as a collateral or have a guarantor that will personally guarantee the loan repayment. But consumers usually don’t want to persuade their family of friends to act as guarantors and they also do not want to put up their beloved things as collateral and that is why lenders slowly had to adapt and start issuing these unsecured loans. Reade more…