EmmasCredit is another great online lender that has a very fast autonomous payment system that automatically checks your information and if you are aproved gives you the loan in less than 10 minutes. EmmasCredit brand belongs to a company with the same name Ltd. Emma credit that was founded in 2013. In less than 3 years this company has grown to dominate this quick loan marketplace and has acquired a massive customer base. EmmasCredit company gives out loans automatically 24 hours a day but you can also contact their customer service representatives with a phone call to “2472707” or writing an email to “emma@emmascredit.ge” as well as using their contact form on their websites “Contact Us” section. EmmasCredit like all the other top players in this online credit field has amassed a massive social network following and for example their Facebook fan page has more than 17 thousand likes. On these social networks EmmasCredit company constantly engages with their customers and once in a while gives out a surprise gift or directions how to get a better deal on their services. I think that this company has a bright future ahead of them and we will see more and more articles about their success! EmmasCredit customer service representatives has working hours from 10:00 till 19:00 in work days and from 10:00 till 14:00 in Saturdays but on Sundays they are closed!
EmmasCredit offers their customers an emergency loan from 50 to 300 GEL without any interest but for existing customers they offer a loan for up to 600 Lari. The payment terms are also quite appealing and you can choose starting from 1 to 45 days when you will have to repay the money that you borrowed. If you can’t pay in time then there is also an option to extend your loan for up to 30 days the first time then up to 20 days and the last time for up to 10 days. So the maximum extendable period is 60 days. I can’t give you exact numbers how much will it cost for you to extend your payment term because each individual loan has a different sum and they are calculated from various different numbers.
EmmasCredit also offers to borrow using an SMS and that can be a great tool to have if you are on the go and need to get that extra cash. But if you can’t pay in time then you will get a 20GEL penalty and 1.5% interest for each day that you miss your payment. So be careful and try to pay your debt in the timeframe you chose because it can otherwise go out of hand quite quickly!
How to borrow?
EmmasCredit lender has created a very easy way for you to borrow money where you just have to choose your loan amount and repayment time and then supply some background information about yourself. You will then need to supply your credit card data to the company and they will charge 1 GEL that will be returned to you when you get your loan. This payment is necessary to authenticate you and so the company can get all their necessary information about you. To get a loan approved from this company you have to be at least 20 years old and need an active bank account as well as a credit card but for repaying the loan you can use a wide range of options from payment machines to simple online bank transitions.
In my opinion EmmasCredit is one of the best private lenders where to get your online loan and because you can borrow up to 600 Gel for 45 days that should cover all your emergency expenses starting from car repairs and ending with emergency room bills.