NetCredit is a multinational company that lets people borrow short term loans in 5 different countries. In Georgia NetCredit started to provide their services in 2014 and from that point on this company has been one of the main players in the online loan sector. If you need to contact their support you can do that at “” or call to “(+995 32) 220 30 40” but be aware that their working hours are from 09:00 till 20:00 (Monday to Friday) and from 09:00 to 18:00 (Saturday and Sunday). NetCredit Ltd. Has acquired bank accounts in the biggest Georgians banks so you should have no problem with getting your loans and repaying them in time. Overall NetCredit is one of the best online lenders because they have a great customer service as well as a wide range of loan options.
NetCredit offer to borrow online short term loans from 50 to 100 GEL from 5 to 30 days. If you are a first time borrower you can get up to 500 Lari but the best part is that this first loan will be without interest as long as you repay it in full before the end deadline. If you are a returning customer you can borrow up to 1000 GEL and get better deals with their loyalty program. Each time you borrow from this company you will get more and more better deals and you can get up to 30% discount on these interest payments. Each time you borrow money from NetCredit your discount rises by 5% and at the sixth borrowing and from that point onward you will get that 30% discount. If however you are not able to repay your loan in time then you can extend your repayment term 14 or 30 days but that will not be cheap.
For example if you borrow 500 GEL for 30 days but after that time has passed you want to extend that period then you have two options:
- Extend to 14 days – That will cost you about 75 Lari (or about 5.3 Lari each day)
- Extend to 30 days – That will cost you 120 Lari (or about 4 lari each day)
That means if you extend your term longer it will cost you less than extending your term twice with the first option to 28 days (14+14) for 150 Lari (75+75). But be careful as you can’t request your money back if you extended your term for 30 days and found the money to repay your debt faster than that.
*რეკლამაTo repay your debt you can use any of those 4 banks that NetCredit has their Bank accounts or also as well as and their Express Pay services. Just keep in mind that bank transfers can take some time and if you have a different bank then that time can be a couple of days!
How to borrow?
To borrow money from NetCredit you have to select the amount that you need and the term that you have chosen and then you will have to fill out a form with your name, personal phone number, birth date and some other information about your monthly income and place of residence. After you have done all these thing you can expect a call from their customer service representative and get your money in your bank account in under 15 minutes.
To get approved you have to be a resident of Georgia, you need a real bank account and a phone number as well as you have to be older than 20 years of age. If you meet all these conditions then getting your loan should not be a problem!
I hope this review is helpful to you and we here at ZCredit are always striving to get the best information for our loyal readers! And we can definitely recommend NetCredit as a great way to get that extra cash for your unexpected expenses.